Hello world!

Posted: March 19, 2008 at 6:28 am

Bill Berends here, the mastermind of Mastermind so to speak. This is my first blog after learning how to install WordPress and setup a MySQL database on the mastermindband.com server. Apparently I must have something to say… or perhaps will, to go thru all that (more than I wanted to know!). So check back often to see what it may be… at least somewhere near the end of the this month (March).

I really don’t know much about the etiquette of the blogosphere, but I figured I should have my own, so here it is! It may get more interesting, or I may not have time for it. Dunno yet. Anywho, like I said, at least stop back in a couple weeks & see what’s up.

Thanks for reading!

category: blogging,internet,website


5 Comments so far

  1. admin March 19th, 2008 6:58 am

    Yadda yadda, I had to leave myself a test comment. ~Bb

  2. Rampant March 19th, 2008 3:33 pm

    Coolies 🙂 Hopefully this will turn into something interesting… if anything having a place to put rambles is fun as far as I am concerned 🙂

  3. Bill Berends March 19th, 2008 8:48 pm

    This blog will replace the NEWS section of the web site, so check in often for announcements & such. Click the blue & white icon on the upper right to add a Live Bookmark (RSS) in your browser * and new blogs will instantly be added to that folder. The miracles of technology.

    I hope not to ramble too much! But anyone familiar with this site knows the News page on occasion was a place to ramble. I usually try to keep it band oriented, but it can be a bit of a bully pulpit (if anyone is reading) so the idea of comments appealed to me… what do YOU think?!

    * RSS works in Firefox, but only in IE7 (see: Microsoft RSS)

  4. Tracy McShane March 25th, 2008 5:42 pm

    Hello! Tracy McShane here, I just wanted to say that about 8 years ago or so I had met Bill and Richard through a mutual friend. I had gone to see a MM show they had a female vox Lisa Bouchelle, which I thought was real cool because I’m a vocalist. I thought they were great! Some time had passed and a mutual friend told me that MM was looking for a vox and that I should go try out. At the time I had just left my band and was looking to get into something. I knew these guys were top notch. I was a little intimidated to say the least. But I went for it anyway. Seemed Bill and I had good chemistry so I kept on singing with MM. I had a lot of homework and hard work ahead of me to learn the material. We did some amazing shows in front of big crowds, I thought this was the most amazing shit that has ever happened to me to be up here w/ this great band and we did a lot of shows.

    As time moved on we went into the studio to record. I was very excited because it would feature my vocals. I had so much fun working w/ Bill, he was my friend and mentor and taught me so much about music and the industry. He was always a positive force in my life. After months and months of writing and recording finally we had an album. Bill by the way is an amazing writer and composer aside from his guitar playing.

    MM has always had a problem keeping a bassist. Since I’ve been with the band I believe we had 5. Seems to be a syndrome or curse or something.

    We had talked about going overseas to play, MM had been there before I came on board. We were always looking forward to bigger shows etc. The new music was different from the old MM. Most of the fans didn’t know what to expect. Bill was trying to go a new direction. After many attempts to get a bassist, and we had some good ones that stayed for awhile but it always ended up not working out. So here we are bass less and frustrated. I guess I always thought that we would do great things together, I mean we have, It was just cut short. I miss you guys!!

    So if you are out there bassist PLEASE get in contact.

  5. Juan Garces June 1st, 2008 10:21 am

    Hey Guys
    I really miss seeing Mastermind play live. Tracy you Rock!
    You came a long way with Mastermind and I would love to hear your voice and see you on the stage with Mastermind again.
    I hope Mastermind finds a Kick ass bass player that can make a commitment to rock on with one of the best progressive metal bands ever. I will keep my eyes and ears open. If I run across such a bass player I will send them your way. Rock on! My sentiments are with you Tracy.

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