Archive for the 'music' Category
“Broken” wins listeners poll! New interview.
“Broken” has won The EKR Listeners Poll for the favourite EKR A-List track for the week commencing 08/03/2010″ — (UK)Â Excellent… we’re number one! (poll link)
Also a new interview with Bill Berends online at Virtuosity One (UK)
No commentsInsomnia rotation airplay in the UK
Insomnia track “Broken” added to steady rotation playlist in the UK –European Klassik Rock
Nice. To quote the Dutch Progressive Rock Page… “It could easily become a major hit!”
We think so!
No commentsA video message…
“Mastermind has accomplished what few bands can – a diverse album with an array of influence from blues to metal to prog and back again. Each track here stands by itself, however this album should be listened to in one sitting. The flow of music and the impressive composition are amazing; one listen and you are hooked.” — Unstoppable Force (USA)
No commentsInsomnia album now shipping!!
It’s been a long time coming, but the new Insomnia album is now shipping to the general public! You can order a copy directly from the Mastermind Store or follow the links found there to distributors in your part of the world. Go have a look.
Lots of nice reviews are starting to come in too! Considering how long it took to get this album released it is somewhat vindicating to see these, supporting our own stubborn belief that we still have something to offer. Guitarist Bill Berends gives an in-depth interview on the Imhotep website discussing the album, the band, and various other topics posed.
We’ve posted an album sampler on our myspace page to give you a taste. There are two full tracks from the album to be found there as well. Once again we’ll mention that journalists, reviewers, DJ’s, etc interested in obtaining a promo copy of the album, or to arrange an interview, please contact “promo (at)”
Thanks to everyone who has already ordered! The first wave of discs were mailed out today, but we still have a lot of work to do to get the word out… so shoot your mouths off and let people know! We are all grateful for your interest in the band and your continuing support. Stop back often for updates, there is more activity to come in the near future!
No commentsNow taking orders for the INSOMNIA album!
We are now accepting orders for our new Insomnia album. The discs have been shipped and should arrive any day now. The official release date is Feb. 19th, 2010 and we should be able to ship on that day. If not, we will ship as close to that date as is humanly possible.
Visit the Mastermind Store now and order yours today!
For folks in the UK, Europe, & elsewhere, we have provided a few other links for your ordering convenience as well. We should have some info on Japan soon. The album will also be on iTunes shortly, just look up Lion Music there. Thanks!
More reviews and other info coming soon.
No commentsInsomnia reviews
The first Insomnia review is in and it is a good one! We hope this indicative of how everyone will receive the album, but for the moment this is a wonderful way to get things rolling. The album release date is February 19th, 2010 from Lion Music (Finland).
For those too lazy to click…
“some of the most original and innovative music the world needs to hear”
As mentioned below, reviewers, journalists, DJ’s etc. wishing to get an advance copy of the album for review, please contact “promo (at)” for information. Thanks.
No commentsNew album “Insomnia” release: February 19th, 2010
January 9th is Mastermind vocalist Tracy McShane’s birthday! Happy birthday Tracy!!
Our new “INSOMNIA” album will be released February 19th, 2010 so spread the word! Feel free to link to this banner on your website or blog. Add us on Facebook, Myspace, and everywhere else as well. Thanks!!×600.jpg
Reviewers, radio stations, blogs, etc. please email “promo (at)” for info on getting an advance copy for review or to arrange an interview. Thanks.
No commentsMASTERMIND signs with LION MUSIC!!!
December 18th is Mastermind guitarist Bill Berends birthday! On this auspicious occasion we would like to make a very big announcement…
MASTERMIND has signed with LION MUSIC of Finland to release the long awaited INSOMNIA album!! Our first album for the label, “Insomnia†will be released on February 19th 2010. This is our first full length studio album in many years and features vocalist Tracy McShane joining founding members Bill Berends (guitars, synths, bass) and Rich Berends (drums) along with Jens Johansson (Stratovarius) once again contributing keyboard solos and piano.
We are all very pleased with this development and hope those of you reading will help spread the news far and wide, Mastermind is back! And to add to this wonderful news, the band has been rehearsing with bassist Tim Spillane preparing for live performances in support of the album release. As some may recall, Tim played bass with Mastermind in 2001 performing at our NJ Proghouse & Pittsburgh shows with Symphony-X amongst others. Welcome back Tim!
The Insomnia album also features the bass talents of Chris Eike & Greg Hagen.
Visit for more information about the release.
Happy birthday indeed! A wonderful way to start a new year!
8 commentsThe Ride of the Valkyrie – Live In Tokyo
This performance at Shibuya On Air West (Japan) became the Live In Tokyo album. Now after all this time you can actually see it! Hooray for the internets. More to come. Enjoy!
Stop by youtube leave a comment and subscribe to our channel. Thanks!
No commentsMastermind Voume Two “Brainstorm”
Continuing with the previous log entry, we present our second studio album Brainstorm for your listening pleasure. We hope to introduce new fans to our early works and give everyone an opportunity to hear the music.
Presenting Mastermind Volume Two “Brainstorm first released in December 1991…
Once again, downloads are available in multiple formats as well as mp3’s, but you can stream the entire album online and enjoy it free. Thanks for listening!
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