Archive for the 'video' Category
Progscape ’94 full concert video now on YouTube
The entire Progscape ’94 concert from November 20th, 1994 at Stephens Hall, Towson, MD is now up on YouTube… only 28 year later! Go have a look!
November 20th, 1994. The first live performance of the Tragic Symphony album with Phil Antolino returning to the original trio line up at Progscape ’94 in Towson, MD, USA. The album had not been released in the USA (only in Japan) so no one there had really heard it yet.
Video & audio quality is poor, ancient bootleg quality at best, but this is all there is. Remember this was before cell phone digital video, etc. What you see here is from VHS copies of Hi8 analog video which is no longer accessible.
There were two cameras running, one on the floor and one in the balcony. The combined audio gives a “you are there” surround quality of LOUD music in a big room, if not crystal clear. Especially in headphones. Enjoy it for what it is and thanks for watching!
- 01. Child of Technology
- 02. On The Wings Of Mercury
- 03. Tiger! Tiger!
- 04. The Power and The Passion
- 05. All The King’s Horses
- 06. Tragic Symphony
- I. Sea of Tears
- II. Nothing Left to Say
- III. Into the Void
- 07. William Tell Overture
- 08. BRAINSTORM (inc. drum solo)
- 09. Looking Ahead (encore)
Approx 93 minutes total running time.

No commentsMastermind Brasil 2019 video
Video from the November 3rd, 2019 performance of Bill Berends’ Mastermind 2019 is now live on YouTube. Rather than post them here, simply visit YouTube. Here is the link…
Mastermind Brasil 2019 play list
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Somewhere south of the equator…
Please stand by. More info coming soon.
No commentsBrainstorm live (complete) video
Recently uploaded a video of Brainstorm live from our 1997 US tour with Fish. Enjoy.
Mastermind live at the Odeon, Cleveland, Ohio
Bill Berends: guitar, MIDI-guitar, vocal
Rich Berends: drums & percussion
Phil Antolino: bass, MIDI-pedals
Mastermind: Insomnia – 5 years on
February 19th, 2015 marked the 5th anniversary of Mastermind’s 7th full length studio album release – Insomnia – featuring vocalist Tracy McShane’s album debut and Jens Johansson returning for his third outing with the Berends brothers progressive rock outfit. The darker, heavier sound is something of a departure from previous titles, but continues an evolution that began with the explosive instrumental fire of Excelsior, morphing into the female fronted symphonic prog-metal of Angels of the Apocalypse, and evolving yet further into something unusual and quite unique. This was a 21st Century Mastermind for sure, yet many elements of the Berends signature sound are still present and identifiable.
However, Insomnia almost never saw the light of day. After a long and arduous search for a suitable new label, the album was eventually released worldwide by Lion Music in Finland, run by Swedish guitarist Lars Eric Mattsson. Changes in personnel, changes in the record business, broadband internet, the global economy, all contributed to the delay. Most of the recording was done years earlier between 2002 and 2004 with two songs released as a preview on the Broken EP of 2005 along with several live tracks. Almost a full album in itself. The band gigged often during the early 21st Century building a receptive new audience on the live circuit, so a lot of the material road tested and gaining traction with new fans.
Some of the older prog fans didn’t really follow, but overall the album was well received and critically accepted (reviews) with many folks applauding a fresh new approach and some even calling it the best Mastermind album to date. Things being as they were, however, with departing members and frustrations with the business side of things, the band had ceased performing live by early 2007 and the album was released without proper live support even though the songs were being performed live during the preceding years.
It was never intended for this to be the last of Mastermind’s album output, but without finding suitable new players and no real support from the outside, Mastermind slipped into a coma of sorts and has been on indefinite hiatus since 2007. Bill and Rich continued to perform as The Berends Brothers Band and Bill Berends stepped out on his own with an instrumental solo album in 2012 and continues to create new music, some of which was – and yet may still be – destined to become Mastermind VIII. This my still happen at some point.
So it is somewhat with mixed emotion that we view things 5 years on. We made a good album that not enough people heard and it’s a shame we couldn’t manage to go out and support it live. For those who have listened and purchased a copy, we thank you for your support. Everyone else, get listening! As for the future… anything is possible.
Mastermind: Insomnia on CDBaby
No comments911
September 11th, 2001… I will never forget that day. Ever. I was awakened by the sound of Tracy McShane screaming out of my answering machine “Billy, Billy!! Turn on the TV!!!” I turned it on just in time to watch the second plane slam into the south tower. No words can describe how I felt as I watched the towers collapse, live on TV. Absolute horror.
Much of the Insomnia album was written and recorded in the time between that fateful day and the “shock and awe” attack on Bahgdad which I also watched in horror, live on TV. The days that followed were very surreal and unsettling. I tried to put it out of my mind.
Listening to this music takes me right back to that time and in many ways I feel like I have ignored it because of that – still wanting to put it all of it out of my mind. For those who never made the connection – and surprisingly, not one single review ever did – that is why the twin beacons were included on the inner sleeve artwork. It was the zeitgeist, the dark shadow that malingered over everything. We went as a band to ground zero not long after the attack, saw the beacons, witnessed the destruction up close. It felt… personal.
Although this piece of music Last Cigarette wasn’t written specifically with 911 in mind, it was always in the back of my mind. Looking back, I think it probably best captures how I was feeling at the time and even though it’s been 12 years now, it’s still hard for me to listen to sometimes. Along with some other personal issues, it was a very difficult time. I didn’t want to deal with it and because of that, combined with dramatic changes in the music business, it took years to see the album released. Insomnia almost never saw the light of day.
Musically speaking, this is my personal favorite on the album. The guitar solo-turn-duet with Jens Johansson’s brilliant counterpoint is probably my favorite musical moment. Looking back now with some objectivity, I still think we made a good, solid album. Life goes on.
-Bill Berends 9/11/13
No commentsInsomnia online
Better late than never? Uploaded a few tunes from the Insomnia album on youtube so you can listen at your leisure anywhere in the world! It took a while to convince the label that maybe people should be able to hear some of the music from the hitherto “invisible” Mastermind album. Of course you’ll enjoy it so much you’ll go purchase a copy right away! Right? Right!
That’s the idea anyway. Here you go… Insomnia playlist (youtube)
Available from iTunes | CDBaby | Lion Music | read the reviews
Thanks for listening! More to come.
No commentsVideo archives – Electric Factory with Joe Satriani
Some video from back before the digital revolution, a few clips from the Electric Factory concert in 1997 opening for Joe Satriani. The playlist should run thru all four videos for you.
More to come. Enjoy!
No commentsBill Berends solo album Kickstarter – last day!
Less than 26 hours left to go till my solo album Kickstarter campaign wraps up! I couldn’t just leave things hanging with the last video, so here’s a post storm wrap up. It’s been a long, stressful month, but I am super pleased with the outcome!!! If you haven’t already, please get your pre-orders in now, if possible, it may be a while before normal sales begin… however, I may continue pre-orders on my web site ( )for another week or so. Check there in a few days to see if that comes together. For now, please go check the kickstarter page here…
Again, many MANY THANKS (!) and a garland of martian fire flowers to everyone who kicked in to help bring this album to life!! You guys ROCK!!!
No commentsBill Berends solo album update!!
Hi folks!! My solo album on Kickstarter as mentioned below has reached its target goal, so this CD will be happening and I couldn’t be more pleased!! You guys are awesome!!! THANKS to ALL of you who helped me reach my goal!!
Now solidly in the funded zone there is still a week to go on Kickstarter and I am cautiously optimistic about hitting a stretch goal of $3,000, in fact, it’s more than halfway there now. So while I am sitting here waiting for hurricane Sandy to come kick my ass (yikes!) I made a new video for your amusement with hopes that a few more folks and Mastermind fans will kick in with pledges and pre-orders before November 5th. Hoping all my east coast friends get thru the storm unscathed and happy Halloween to you all!
To make a pledge or pre-order a CD on kickstarter just go here… thank you!!
Thanks to those who have kicked in already!! Be safe in the storm and wish me luck!
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